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American Leadership Academy

2022-2023 Elementary Student Handbook




Print Handbook

Welcome to American Leadership Academy

The educational foundation you receive at American Leadership Academy will, in many ways, determine your future academic path.  It is up to you to make the most of the opportunities available.

It is the responsibility and obligation of the student to strive for and to meet the goals, which will lead to his/her success, and maintain an approach that is within the guidelines of American Leadership Academy policies and procedures.

School Mission Statement

American Leadership Academy partners with families to provide comprehensive educational experiences, character development through leadership, and individualized student learning for college and career readiness.

Message from Elementary Principal

Juliel Davis

On behalf of the American Leadership Academy Elementary School staff, welcome to ALA and the 2022-2023 school year!  Whether new to the ALA family or a returning Eagle, we look forward to building a partnership between you and the school which will last for many years.  We are committed to making your child’s first years in school filled with positive and enriching experiences. Our staff is excited about working with your child and being, like you, an important advocate for your child and his/her learning.  We seek to make ALA a great place for our children and their families. 

Please refer to the School Handbook throughout the school year as a reference. It should provide the answers to most questions, but feel free to telephone us or stop by the school office should you need more information.

We believe that your child’s success in school is dependent upon good communication between school and home. We encourage your participation and invite you to express your suggestions or concerns with us at any time.

Elementary Administration

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The School Handbook has been written to provide important information concerning specific rules, policies and procedures related to the safety and operation of our school.  In order for our school to operate safely and efficiently, you and your student(s) must be familiar with and abide by the expectations, procedures and rules outlined in this handbook.  All Board policies are listed on the American Leadership Academy website at

 It is the policy of American Leadership Academy not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, disability, age, or any other legally protected classification in its educational programs, activities, admissions, access, treatment, or employment practices.

Attendance /Absences

(POLICY 3010)

American Leadership Academy is committed to quality education.  We are concerned when a child misses school for any reason.  The process of education requires a continuity of instruction, class participation, learning experience, and study.  Frequent absences of students from day-to-day classroom experiences disrupts their educational and instructional progress.  Learning is sequential and builds over time.  Gaps due to excessive absences and tardiness are extremely difficult to overcome, and can cause lasting educational gaps that will adversely affect the student’s chances for success in school, as well as college and career readiness in the future.

Utah Compulsory Attendance Laws (Code 53A-11-101-105) require that “every school age child (ages 6-18) be enrolled in school and attend regularly.”  Parents and students are responsible for regular attendance.  Students may be excused from school attendance for valid and legitimate reasons: illness, medical appointment, family emergencies, death of family member or close friend, observance of religious holidays and family activity or travel (approved and arranged in advance with the principal.)

Parents/guardians are asked to call or email the attendance office within 24 hours to notify the school of their child’s absence.   A 24-hour voicemail service is available for their convenience at 801-794-2226.  Your voicemail message should include the following:  Student’s name, grade, date of the absence, reason for the absence, and the parent/guardian name.

If your child needs to be excused from school during the day, please send a signed note to his/her teacher indicating when your child will be leaving class.  Your child will not be released from their class until you check your child out at the schools front office.  If someone other than a parent is to pick up a child, please include that information in your note (please note: this person must be on the emergency card).  For their safety, children are to be picked up by a parent or designated guardian and are not to walk home or to appointments during the school day.

Since attendance represents a critical component in the overall success of each student, when a student’s absenteeism is excessive, the school will notify the student’s parents/guardians with information outlining the total number of student absences and the importance of school attendance.  If the student’s attendance does not improve, they will forfeit their eligibility for priority enrollment for the upcoming school year.


Assemblies may be scheduled throughout the school year, with the primary aim to provide educational experiences that cannot normally be provided in a classroom. Since assemblies represent a part of the educational program, attendance is required of all students. Students will be supervised by teachers at assemblies. Students are expected to conduct themselves in keeping with school-wide expectations.

2022-2023 Bell Schedule

A.M. Kindergarten (8:15 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.)

P.M. Kindergarten (12:15 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.)

1st-6th Grades (8:15 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.)



Students may ride non-motorized bicycles, scooters, and skateboards to school.

Rules for these include:

      • No riding on campus, these must be walked while on the campus.
      • Helmets must be worn when riding these to/from school.
      • Bikes and scooters must be stored in the bike racks in the playground area. Skateboards will be stored at teacher discretion.
      • No “wheelie” shoes allowed on campus.

School is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged articles or injury incurred from use to or from school or while on school property.

Bullying/ Cyber-Bullying/ Hazing Prevention

Policy 3050 

American Leadership Academy Elementary School is committed to providing students with a safe and supportive learning environment. We do not condone harassment, intimidation, or bullying in school, on school grounds, or at school events. In addition, we do not condone out-of-school bullying incidents that significantly interfere with student learning. Bullying behavior in any form will result in immediate disciplinary action which may include suspension or expulsion.

ALA expects all students to treat each other with dignity and respect. Student conduct should contribute to a positive and productive learning environment. We expect students to try to help students who are bullied, include students who are easily left out and report all instances of bullying to the school.  


Bullying is R.I.P. (Repeated, Imbalance of Power, and Purposeful).

It can be:

            • Physical—kicking, tripping, hitting or pushing.
            • Verbal—name calling, insults, threats of violence or graffiti.
            • Emotional—intentional exclusion or spreading rumors.

Cyber-bullying is spreading harmful information through e-mail, online chats, social networking sites, text messages, cell phones or cameras.

Bullying includes the harassment and intimidation of a person which may be, but need not be, based on the person’s sex, race, color, ethnicity, religion, national origin, age, disability or sexual orientation. 

Reporting Procedures

ALA employees are required to report alleged violations of this policy to the principal. Students, parents and visitors are encouraged to report any act that may be a violation of this policy.  All reports will be taken seriously and will result in a thorough investigation. We will also determine whether a student’s civil rights have been violated according to federal anti-discrimination laws.

Communicable Diseases/ Conditions

To protect children and staff from contagious illnesses, students and staff infected with certain diseases are not allowed to come to school while contagious. Parents of a student with a communicable or contagious disease should phone the school so that other students who may have been exposed to the disease can be alerted.  These diseases include, but are not limited to:



Rubella (German Measles)




Lyme disease





Colorado Tick Fever

Measles (Rubeola)










Hansen's disease


Covid 19

Whooping Cough (Pertussis)

Streptococcal disease


2022-2023 School Holiday Breaks & End of Term Dates

First Day of School

August 12

Labor Day

September 7th

First Term Ends

October 16th

Thanksgiving Holiday

November 25th-29th

Christmas Break

December 18th- January 1st

 Classroom Resumes

January 4th

 MLK Holiday

January 18th

 President's Day

February 15th

 Spring Break

April 2nd- 9th

 School Ends

May 27th


As with most school sites, the busiest time of day for the ALA campus is drop-off in the morning and pick-up in the afternoon. In order to maintain a safe and orderly environment at these times, we ask all parents/guardians to follow these guidelines and model patience and understanding at all times.

Student Drop-off:  Please pull your vehicle forward in the right lane as far as you are allowed when dropping off students.  Only drop students off along the sidewalk, NEVER in the left lane.  Do NOT leave your car alone in the loading zone; if you need to enter the building, please park in the lot and safely cross the street with your students at the cross-walk.

Student Pick-up:  Please pull your vehicle all the way forward in the right lane.  If you don’t see your students, or if you have been waiting more than 3 minutes, kindly be considerate of other parents and park your car in the lot or rotate through to the back of the line.

Cross-Walk:  Our cross-walks are maintained by an ALA employee crossing guard.  All students MUST use the cross-walk and follow the crossing guard directives.  Parents should also use the cross-walk at all times of the day for safety reasons.

For a additional details please refer to the our Carpool Page on the school website

Change of Address/Phone Number

It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to contact the school (801-794-2226 ext. 219) in the event of a phone or address change.  Parents should provide the school with both home and work numbers in order that the school may contact them in an emergency.

Classroom Placement 

The process of class placement begins in May.  Our goals are to achieve academic, behavior, and boy/girl balance of classes, to make up satisfactory combination classes and to provide for individual student needs. Class placements become available during the Elementary Check-in Fair.


Communication between parents and school is vital.  Any time you have questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s teacher or an administrator.  The school number is 801-794-2226. If you prefer, the school secretary can forward your call to the voice mail of any staff member. E-mail addresses of all teachers are also available on the school’s web site.

The school uses these methods to communicate with ALA families:

      • Weekly newsletter regarding school activities
      • Report cards and parent conferences
      • Newsletters and/or e-communications from teachers to parents
      • Back-to-School Night
      • Parent Teacher Conferences
      • ALA Power School App
      • Website
      • Facebook
      • Eagle News (K-12 Newsletter sent out weekly)

Discipline Behavior

(POLICY 3030)

Students at American Leadership Academy are expected to act as examples and leaders in all settings. This includes making choices in accordance to the Discipline Behavior Policy and taking responsibility for their actions. We believe that every student should have the opportunity to learn in an environment which is safe, conducive to the learning process, and free from unnecessary disruption. Prohibited conduct is forbidden at school, on school property, and at any school activity. 

In accordance with the reciprocity agreements and understandings with other school districts in the State of Utah, it is the practice of American Leadership Academy to recognize and honor disciplinary action imposed upon a student by other school districts and schools. In addition, a student may be denied admission to American Leadership Academy on the basis of having been suspended or expelled from another school district or school during the preceding twelve months.  Utah Code Ann., 53A-11-904(3).

Dress Code

(POLICY 3020)

The dress code was created to help promote unity, prevent socioeconomic discrimination, and create a learning environment free of unnecessary distractions. The dress code promotes modesty and avoids pit falls of “cool’ fads or styles.  Students are required to know and follow the accepted dress code.


American Leadership Academy K- 12th Dress Code Guidelines

Download PDF Version

If item is not in the dress code it is not allowed.  No items may display skulls, alcohol/drug, or gang related references or pictures.  Questionable items is determined by administration discretion. All items must be modest including shoulders, back and midriff covered and length to the knee. To see more detailed information regarding other dress code guidelines please see our PDF Version.

Electronic Devices

(POLICY 3070)

Cell Phones/Wearable Technology

Although students are not encouraged to bring cell phones or wearable technology to school due to the possibility of loss, theft or damage, we understand that many families want their children to have a device to contact parents before or after school hours. 

Therefore, if a student chooses to bring a cell phone or wearable technology to school, it must be turned “OFF” during the school day and placed where it will not be accessed during the instructional day — in a backpack, jacket, etc.  It should not be visible to other students or staff during the day.  If a student does not follow these rules and 1) uses the device, or 2) the device rings, or 3) the device is visible to other staff or students during the instructional day, it will be confiscated and turned in to the office.  Parents will be contacted to come to school and pick up the device at their convenience.

We believe that this policy allows families the flexibility to use cell phones as needed, but will also protect the school day for teaching and learning.  Thank you for your cooperation and understanding in this matter.

Phone Use

Office/classroom phones can be used for medical emergencies or with teacher permission. 

Electronic Devices

Devices may not be used to disrupt the educational environment or violate the rights of others. Using the device to cheat, violate school conduct rules, harass/bully students or staff, or using the device for unlawful purposes will subject the student to disciplinary action. Serious offenses will be reported to the local authorities. Recording the voice or image of another in any way that disrupts the educational environment, invades the privacy of others, or is made without the consent of the individuals being recorded is prohibited. Devices recording the voice or image of another to take, transfer, or share any audio, video, or photographs that reveal parts of the body (ordinarily covered by clothing) is prohibited.

Emergency Preparedness & Drills

School fire drills and lock downs are an essential piece of our Emergency Response Plan at American Leadership Academy and as a school we are required to hold them.  To ensure the safety of all students and staff, it is imperative that both understand and practice the basic procedures of fire and lock down drills.  In the event of an emergency, students will evacuate the building under the direction of their current teacher for roll call and further instructions.  In case of an emergency that requires the students to evacuate the campus, parents will be notified through email, phone calls or texts with information and instructions on how to pick up their students.

ESL (English as a Second Language)

As a school, we provide ESL services for all students who qualify for this program.  The ESL program is designed to assist non-English and limited English students to acquire and increased verbal and academic English skills.  Students are tested to determine their eligibility to receive ESL services.


(Policy 3140)

School employees are directed not to disclose personal information about students or their school performance unless the individual or agency requesting such information has both a legal right and a legitimate educational need to obtain it.  The purpose of this policy is to assure students and their parents or guardians of their rights under the law, including the following:

1. The right to examine and request the amendment of education records (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

2. The right to limit access to student records and/or personal information, in certain circumstances, by requiring the prior written consent of a parent or guardian before the information or records can be released (FERPA).

3. The right to be notified of, examine, and either consent to or opt out of, participating in surveys or educational activities that relate to specific protected areas (Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA).

4. In the event of a security breach that releases “personally identifiable student data,” American Leadership Academy will notify a student’s parent or guardian of the breach.

5. The right to deny the release of names, addresses, and telephone numbers of high school students to military or college recruiters (Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA)).

Field Trips

Due to School Trust land funds and donations by parents, we are fortunate to continue our wonderful, educational field trips for our students. These field trips are planned to enhance state standards and curriculum and are not mandatory for students. When a class field trip is planned, the teacher will send home a field trip permission slip. The student must return the signed slip in order to participate.

Chaperones may be charged an entrance fee to the activity if applicable.  Siblings will not be allowed to attend the field trip with the chaperones. 

If parents are driving students to the field trip they will be required to take an online driving test.


American Leadership Academy recognizes that homework contributes toward building responsibility, self-discipline and life-long learning habits, and that time spent on homework directly influences students’ ability to meet the school’s academic standards. Administration expects students, parents/guardians and staff to view homework as a routine and important part of students’ daily lives.  As an integral part of the instructional program, homework assignments must be relevant, meaningful and purposeful. 

Homework is defined as academic work, related to classroom activities, that is assigned to students to be completed outside of class time.  Homework assignments are expected to serve a valid education purpose and be within the capabilities of students.  Homework is not assigned as a punitive measure.  

Homework is intended to

1. Reinforce classroom instruction 

2. Extend learning objective 

3. Develop research skills, independent study habits and time management skills 

4. Teach responsibility for completing and returning assigned work 

5. Provide an opportunity for parents to better understand what is being taught

The classroom teacher is responsible for determining the extent to which homework assignments shall emphasize independent research, reports, special reading, and problem solving activities. 

Parents/guardians are responsible for encouraging his/her children to accept homework assignments as an important part of the school program. 

Students are responsible for completing and turning in homework assignments. Students are encouraged to use computers to complete homework; however, students are responsible for submitting original work. 

Time Guidelines 

The length of time that students are expected to spend completing daily homework are: 

Grades K-1 (10 minutes)              Grades 2-3  (20 minutes)         Grades 4-6   (30-60 minutes)

These times are meant to serve as general guidelines.  Accelerated programs and Dual Immersion may require more homework.

Any concerns regarding homework should be addressed initially to the classroom teacher.


Utah law states: “All school age children (K-12) must have a completed Immunization Certificate on file.  If the child does not have this certificate on file, he/she can be denied admission to the school.”  All students entering the school must have immunization records on file, present evidence of exemption, or have the immunization records with them when they register.


As an elementary school we expose and follow various character development tools to help all of our students learn how to effectively navigate different situations, challenges, and positively affect the way they interface and collaborate with their peers and with adults.

Leadership tools include:

      • I.S.E (Respect, Inspire, Service and Excellence)
      • Covey 7 Habits
      • Monthly Theme
      • Daily Success
      • ALA Rules
      • American Leadership motto

Lunch Program

American Leadership Academy offers a state and federally approved lunch program.  Menus are found on the school’s website at

Food service maintains an account for each student.  Students are encouraged to purchase meals in advance in lieu of carrying cash daily.  Meals can be purchased at the elementary front desk of if using a credit card at the junior high front desk.  Meals can also be purchased online through our website. 

Students may also bring a lunch.  Please label lunch boxes with your child’s name.  Soda and fast food lunches are discouraged.

Free and Reduced Lunch

Students may be eligible for free or reduced price lunch based on federal income guidelines.  Forms are available in the school office and on the ALA website.  Applications must be submitted for each household annually, and they may be submitted at any time during the school year should the need arise.  Disclosure of free and reduced price meal application and eligibility information will be limited in accordance with applicable law.

Lost & Found

Please put your child’s name on all articles of clothing or personal possessions (i.e. lunch boxes) that are brought to school.  Items that are labeled are returned at the end of each month. Items that are not claimed nor labeled are donated to a charitable organization each month. Please check the lost and found often.

Medication At School

Prescription medication and over-the-counter drugs that are administered to students at school on a regular basis will only be administered with the specific written request of the student’s parent/guardian.    A student Medicine Request Release Agreement form is required.  The parent/guardian must deliver all medications to the school.  Students are not to carry medications to or from school.  All medications are to be delivered in the original pharmacist or manufacturer-labeled container.  Any medication not delivered in the appropriate container cannot be administered.  Unused medications must be picked up by the parent/guardian at the end of the school year, or they will be discarded.

Ibuprofen or acetaminophen may be requested by a student at school if they call their parent/guardian and get permission to be given this medication. 

For more information:

Parent Organization

American Leadership Academy has a parent organization that provides an important link between home and school.  This association sponsors a number of activities to improve and support education and build school community.  All parents are encouraged to join and support the school’s parent organization.

Rules (School/Classroom)

Classroom Rules:

Each classroom teacher uses their own set of rules/consequences/rewards. These rules/consequences will be progressive with the higher levels resulting in referral to the office. The classroom teacher will explain these rules/consequences at Back to School night.

Academic Expectations:

      • Come to school every day ready to learn
      • Be on time
      • Be engaged in the learning process
      • Raise your hand
      • Use your time wisely by working during instruction time
      • Ask questions when you do not understand
      • Work cooperatively in groups
      • Listen to your classmates during discussion time
      • Do your homework each night
      • It’s OK to make mistakes
      • Read every day
      • Keep trying and don’t give up
      • Do your best

Problem Solving:

      • Talk it over and listen to each other
      • Say, “I’m sorry”
      • Share
      • Take turns
      • Walk away
      • Do something else
      • Ignore it
      • Ask for help

Items Not Allowed on the School Campus: (Safe School Violation)

      • Weapons or imitation weapons.
      • Tobacco, alcohol, drugs, and any other illegal substance.

Special Education

To ensure the provision of a free and appropriate public education to all school age children in need of Special Education Services, American Leadership Academy provides special education programs in accordance with federal and state regulations and guidelines.  Special education services will be provided by appointment for students enrolled in American Leadership Academy who are eligible.  These services will support the student’s IEP goals for access to the general curriculum.  

Supervision (Before/After) School

Supervision before school does not begin until 7:50 a.m. Students should not arrive at school prior to this time.

Supervision occurs after school only at the front of the school for pick-up until 3:30.  There is no supervision on the playgrounds after school and students are encouraged to go home if they do not have parent supervision at this time.

Title 1 Program

As a school, we provide Title I services for all students who qualify for this program.  Title I is designed to assist students achieve academic mastery in areas that they are weak in.  Students are tested to determine their eligibility to receive Title I services.


Parent involvement in his/her child’s educational experience is encouraged, however due to campus security and to reduce classroom disruptions, we ask all visitors to abide by these guidelines:

      • Visitors MUST check in at the front office before going to classrooms or playgrounds. 
      • All visitors will be identified by staff and students by wearing a “Visitor Pass”.  
      • Adults not wearing these passes will be asked by school personnel to check in at the office or leave campus. 
      • Visits must be prearranged with the classroom teacher and identification may be required.


(POLICY 3230)

American Leadership Academy realizes that children need access to healthy foods and opportunities to be physically active in order to grow, learn, and thrive.  The school supports a healthy atmosphere where children learn and participate in positive dietary and lifestyle practices enhanced through basic nutrition education and other school activities designed to promote student wellness. 

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