2080-Employee Discipline Policy

   Policy Number: 2080

Date: July 29th, 2020


Employee Discipline Policy

Print Policy


The Board of Trustees of America Leadership Academy recognizes the need to provide procedures for administrative leave, discipline, and Termination of Employees and delegates to the Administration the responsibility for establishing and following these procedures.


1. “Dismissal” or “Termination” means termination of the employment status or position of an
Employee, including failure to renew or continue the employment contract beyond the current
school year.

2. “Unsatisfactory Performance” means a deficiency in performing work tasks which may be:

(a) due to insufficient or undeveloped skills, lack of knowledge or aptitude, poor attitude, or insufficient effort; and

(b) remediated through training, study, mentoring, practice, or greater effort.

Administrative Leave

The school may place any Employee on administrative leave for health, safety, investigative, or other concerns. The decision to place an Employee on administrative leave, and the terms of such leave, is at the sole discretion of the school.


1. Verbal directive: A verbal directive may be used by administration to assist the Employee in correcting the conduct in question at the lowest possible level. Record of a verbal directive is placed in the Employee’s personnel file in the Human Resource office, but the administrator may keep a file with a written summary of each verbal directive to document attempts to assist the Employee in correcting the conduct in question.

2. Written warning and directive: A written warning, which gives the Employee notice that his/her conduct is in question or in violation of this policy, may be issued by administration. A copy of the written warning shall be placed in the Employee’s personnel file in the Human Resource office.

Warnings will be given for unsatisfactory performance such as:

1. Arriving late to school or leaving early without permission.

2. Leaving the campus during the school day without signing out.

3. Not submitting grades on time.

4. Not attending IEP meetings.

5. Not attending Parent Teacher Conference.

6. Not attending collaboration meetings.

7. Not responding to parent communication within 24 hours.

8. Swearing around or at students.

9. Degrading students.

10. Property damage.

11. Leaving a class unsupervised.

12. No substitute lesson plan.

13. Unprofessional appearance or conduct.

After three warnings the Employee will receive a write-up. After three write-ups the employee will be placed on probation and meet with the Director and/or the Board of Trustees for disciplinary action. A copy of all write-ups will be placed in the Employee’s personnel file in the Human Resource office.

Causes for Disciplinary Action/Write-Ups

Disciplinary action may also be taken against any Employee for any of the following:

1. Conduct that may be harmful to students or to the school.

2. Violation of school policy.

3. Insubordination or failure to comply with reasonable job related directives from administration.

4. Illegal or unethical conduct.

5. Improper or unlawful physical contact with students.

6. Theft.

7. Dishonesty or falsification of any information supplied to the school.

8. Dangerous or disorderly conduct on school property.

9. Discrimination or harassment.

10. Failure to fulfill duties or responsibilities.

11. Use of school property for personal gain.

12. Use, possession, sale, distribution, or being under the influence of any unlawful drugs or alcohol while on school property, at a school sponsored activity, or at any time while supervising students.

13. Engagement in sexual harassment of a student or employee of the school

14. Negligent or willful damage to school property.

15. Neglect of duty, including unexcused absences, excessive tardiness, excessive absences, abuse of benefits and failure to supervise students.

16. Failure to maintain requirements for licensure or certification.

17. Failure to fulfill duties or responsibilities.

18. Unprofessional conduct not characteristic of or befitting a school employee.

Employee Searches

In order to preserve a safe environment for all students and Employees, the Board of Trustees recognizes that administrators must have the authority to conduct reasonable searches of Employees and the workplace.

A search is reasonable when the Employee’s conduct creates a reasonable suspicion that the Employee is in violation of school policy or work agreement and reasonable grounds exist for suspecting that the search will turn up evidence of the violation. School property can be searched at any time.

Disciplinary Actions

The school may proceed with one or more of the following disciplinary actions against an Employee for any conduct listed under “Causes for Disciplinary Action”. The school may elect to exclude any or all of the following actions and proceed directly with Termination for cause. Prior to taking any disciplinary action beyond a verbal directive/warning write-up, the administrator over the Employee shall promptly and thoroughly investigate the alleged misconduct and document the findings. Administration must provide the employee with notice of the reasons for the action and an opportunity to be heard. In addition, if a disciplinary action is taken that leads to the Employee being put on probation, the Employee may appeal the disciplinary action through the grievance policy.


The Director or his/her designee may place the Employee on probation. Probation is a period during which the Employee’s compliance with school policy, contract, or law is subject to critical and frequent examination and evaluation. The Employee may lose certain privileges, benefits, and/or responsibilities during the probation along with additional terms or conditions. Failure to comply with the terms and conditions of his/her probation may cause further disciplinary action or termination. A written record of the probation shall be placed in the Employee’s personnel file in the Human Resource office.

Administrative Leave

Administrative leave may be invoked when the Employee’s continued presence at work may negatively impact students, the school environment, or the operation of the school, or may otherwise be harmful to students or to the school.


The Director or his/her designee may place the Employee on suspension without pay. Suspension is a period in which the Employee is prohibited from reporting to work or performing any employment responsibilities. A suspended Employee receives no compensation for the period of suspension. An Employee may be suspended pending further investigation when allegations of misconduct are more likely true than not or for the purpose of awaiting the outcome of criminal charges pending against the Employee. A written record of the suspension shall be kept in the Employee’s personnel file in the Human Resource Office.


An Employee may be dismissed if other disciplinary action fails to cause correction of the Employee’s misconduct or if the seriousness of the misconduct warrants termination without prior corrective action. The school may terminate an Employee for cause at any time. Conduct that violates state or federal laws may be grounds for immediate termination. A written record of the dismissal/termination shall be kept in the Employee’s personnel file in the Human Resource Office. Any disciplinary records will be maintained and upon request, provided to prospective employers. The last paycheck of a separated employee will be mailed or available for pick-up within 24 hours of separation of the employee.