Enrollment FAQ
What is an enrollment lottery?
American Leadership Academy is a public charter school and part of the State of Utah public education system. It must be open to all students, without discrimination. Public schools may not discriminate on any basis. If the number of applicants exceeds the capacity of the school or its’ programs, classes or grade levels, then those to be admitted are chosen at random in a lottery process for enrollment.
Why do you have a lottery and how does it work?
Charter Schools are required by state law to have a lottery if they have more applicants than spots available. American Leadership Academy holds an annual open enrollment period every year. Applications turned in during our annual open enrollment dates are put through the lottery process.
Do I have to live near the school in order to be eligible for enrollment?
No. Anyone is welcome to apply at any campus, and we do not have school boundaries.
What is the process to have my child attend American Leadership Academy?
Prospective students/parents must fill out and submit a lottery application to be considered for enrollment. Applications are available on our school website under the enrollment tab or available with help through the front office. Once you have completed your application, you will receive written confirmation on your student’s lottery submission.
When does American Leadership Academy begin accepting applications for our enrollment lottery?
Our enrollment lottery opens to the public January 5th and will close the last day of February. An Open House will be available sometime during the middle of this time for potential students and families to come tour our campus, meet our administration and ask questions. The date of the open house will be announced on our website, Facebook and/or Instagram page in early January. It is not necessary to attend the open house in order to apply for the lottery. However, the open house is highly recommended.
What are the chances of my child being accepted and how can I improve their chances of getting into American Leadership Academy?
Your child’s chances of getting accepted are based on the number of applications we receive, the number of openings we have and the number of people who accept or decline our offer of enrollment for the academic school year. These numbers can fluctuate, so we are unable to accurately predict your child’s chance of being accepted into our school. Unfortunately, there is no way to improve your child’s chance of being accepted. We must use the lottery wait list to invite new students in the order of the priority number placement for the grade level listed.