5040- Emergency Preparedness

   Policy Number: 5040

Date: January 24th, 2023


Emergency Preparedness Policy

(Print Policy)



The purpose of this policy is to establish general criteria for both Emergency Preparedness and Emergency Response plans for the American Leadership Academy in the event of emergencies that could reasonably endanger the safety of school children or disrupt the operation of the school.


1. “Emergency” means a natural or man-made disaster, accident, act of war, or other circumstance which could reasonably endanger the safety of school children or disrupt the operation of the school.

2. “Emergency Preparedness Plan” means policies and procedures developed to promote the safety and welfare of students, protect school property, prepare and protect students and staff in the event of school violence emergencies and regulate the operation of schools during an emergency occurring within a school.

3. “Emergency Response Plan” means a plan developed by a school to prepare and protect students and staff in the event of school violence emergencies.


The Board of Trustees recognizes that the safety of students and staff is best met by preparedness response which shall ensure that the health and safety of students and staff are safeguarded, any disruption to the education program is minimized, and students and employees are trained to respond to emergency situations.

1. Emergency Preparedness Plan (EPP): Each school shall develop and implement a comprehensive emergency preparedness plan that address: 

a. Chain of command;

b. Emergency contacts;

c. Natural or man-made disasters;

d. Accidents;

e. Civil disturbances; and

f. A comprehensive emergency response plan to prevent and combat violence in schools, on school grounds, on school vehicles, and in connection with school related activities or events. 2.3.

2. Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs): Each plan, will be augmented by documents outlining specific supporting tasks emphasizing who is responsible for the task and when and how tasks are to be performed. These SOPs reflect how we intend to do business in the event of an incident. Through these pre-event assignments, awareness is increased, confidence built, and smooth transition from daily to emergency operations is assured. 

3. Training and Emergency Drills:

a. Initial and refresher training shall be provided in support of the plans and procedures.

b. Emergency and fire drills shall be conducted in accordance with Utah Administrative Code R277-400-6. A record of all emergency and fire drills shall be kept by the school facilities manager.

c. The plan and SOPs will be validated through conduct of exercises and drills which identify areas for additional training or revisions of procedures and also to ensure continued readiness.

4. Parent and Student Reunification Plan:

a. In cooperation with the school and local law enforcement agencies, the school shall establish a parent and student reunification plan.

b. The school shall provide parents a summary of parental expectations and notification procedures related to the school parent and student reunification plan and shall publish the information on the school’s website.

Authority & Responsibility

1. Executive Director: The Executive Director shall develop procedures for handling of school incidents and emergencies which include a plan for the prompt and safe evacuation of the schools; other procedures deemed necessary to ensure safety of lives; protection of property; and continuity of operation.

2. Principals: The principal of each school, in coordination with local law and fire authorities, is responsible for the safety of all students and personnel on the campus. Site level plans will be developed and kept current. Training in the plan shall be conducted as well as emergency drills required in the School Plan. Attendance for training sessions shall be documented. The principal shall designate a person who will oversee the school during his/her absence. In the event of an incident requiring police or fire response, full cooperation will be provided to those officials. 

3. Employees:

a. In the event of a major disaster situation all employees so designated shall be responsible during the declared period to help provide for the safety and well-being of students until they are accounted for and released from the school; employees are similarly accounted for; and key and essential tasks assigned under the plan are accomplished. Employees so designated shall serve in this capacity until released by the Executive Director or designee.

b. Employees are strongly encouraged to take all steps necessary to provide for the well-being of their family in advance of any major disaster. This will hopefully moderate fears and concerns sufficient to permit rapid and effective completion of assigned tasks to ensure the well-being of student and staff.

