American Leadership Academy

Teacher Licensing

Alternative Pathway to Professional Educator License.

USBE Steps to license renewal

Comprehensive Administration of Credentials

Professional development opportunities and transcript

Educator Resources 

Elementary Education and Secondary Education

Licensure is a condition of employment for all certified/licensed positions at American Leadership Academy. It is the responsibility of the employee to properly obtain and maintain a current license with the state of Utah. Educator licenses and content endorsements are issued by the Utah State Board of Education. We employ educators with an LEA-Specific license/endorsement.

“The following designations or levels apply to educator licenses, license areas (i.e.-elementary, secondary, special education), and content endorsements (i.e.-mathematics, music, Spanish, social studies)”

1. Professional: The educator has completed an educator preparation program that includes content and pedagogical knowledge.  This program may have been completed at a university or in an alternate pathway that was supported by school districts/charters and the Utah State Board of Education.

2. Associate: The educator is currently completing an educator preparation program, but has not yet complete all requirements for a Professional Educator License, license area, or endorsement. The educator is enrolled in a university-based or Local Education Agency (LEA)-based program.  When the educator completes the program, they will have a professional level.

3. LEA Specific:  These educators have a bachelor’s degree or higher, or who are enrolled in an educator preparation program that will result in a bachelor’s degree or higher, or who have a skill certification in a specific CTE area as established by the USBE. 

Alternative Licensing

American Leadership Academy’s APPEL Program is an alternative route to licensure for teachers. It offers candidates the chance to earn their Professional Educator License while working as a classroom teacher. 

ALA’s  APPEL Program is designed for teachers of record in our school. Paraprofessionals, prep teachers, and substitutes do not qualify for the program at this time.

Program length is determined by individual needs, but the program is designed to be completed in 3 years. Paraprofessionals, prep teachers, and substitutes do not qualify for the program at this time.

You can view our current openings and apply for a teaching position here. You do not need to hold a teaching license to apply.

ALA’s APPEL Program is designed to offer a low-cost route to licensure for our teachers. Praxis exams, transcript requests, pedagogy courses, and certain content endorsements may require  fees.

Juliel Davis
Assistant Director
(801) 794-2226 ext 300

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