3210- Library Media Center Policy

   Policy Number: 3210

Date: September 20th, 2022


Library Media Center Policy

Print Policy


The policy of American Leadership Academy is to provide a variety of informational and educational resources to the school that support classroom instruction, provides opportunities for research, and meets differing educational and recreational reading and interests.  Students will be encouraged to use library materials to expand their knowledge, understanding, and appreciation to develop life-long learners who are effective users of ideas and information.  


1. Teacher Librarian: A licensed employee with a master’s degree or endorsement in library science assigned to teach at a school.

2. Media Instructional Technician (elementary): An employee working under the supervision of a principal and Library Specialist assigned to manage the library.

3. “Weeding”: the systematic removal of resources from a library based on selected criteria.

4. “Library Material” means any digital, including audio or visual media, or physical text contained within a school library’s collection.

5. “School Library” means the location, both physical and virtual, where library materials are housed and administered by professional staff hired to oversee the selection, maintenance, and access to school library materials.

Acquisition & Weeding of Library Collection

The selection of library materials at the school level is under the direction of the teacher librarian (secondary) and with the media instructional technician (elementary).  While library staff are responsible and involved in the selection of library materials, it is not possible for the library staff to read or view all library materials.  In making selections for materials, input from reliable sources is considered and the selection of purchased or donated library materials shall be based on the following items:

1. Educational significance

2. Contribution to the curriculum

3. Validity, currency and appropriateness

4. Accuracy, timeliness and permanence

5. Favorable reviews, recommendations, and/or award nominees found in standard selection sources.

6. Potential appeal and interest

7. Recreational reading needs of students

8. Artistic quality and literary style

No books will be allowed in the library which have excessive swearing, explicit sexuality, excessive violence, grotesque materials or “How to Books” including sexuality or destruction/terrorism.

Library materials are available on a self-selection basis.  Library staff or other school personnel may assist in recommending library materials.

1. Responsibility for reading, listening and viewing library materials rests with the individual student and their parent/legal guardian.

2. Library staff are available to consult with students and their parent/legal guardian to find appropriate materials.

Annually, the school librarian will conduct an inventory of the school library collection and equipment.  The inventory can be used to determine losses and remove damaged or worn materials which can then be considered for replacement.  The inventory can also be used to deselect and remove materials that are no longer relevant to the curriculum or of interest to students.

Parental Restriction of Individual Student Access

ALA recognizes the rights of parents under state law to restrict their child’s access to materials the parent deems inappropriate.  However, no parent has the right to make that decision on behalf of other students.  A parent desiring to restrict their own child’s access to specific library materials shall submit the request in writing to the school’s teacher librarian who upon receipt of the completed form will notify administration.

Reconsideration of Materials

All complaints about collection holdings must be submitted in writing on forms available from the teacher librarian.  When a formal complaint is received, it will be reviewed by the teacher librarian and administration and as soon as possible a decision made whether to retain the material in the library, or remove the material from the library.  If the patron or citizen refuses to complete the form and return it to the teacher librarian, then the concern will not be brought to the attention of administration and the matter will be dropped.

The patron will then have the option of either meeting with the committee to discuss the decision or of receiving notification of the decision by letter. The patron or citizen may appeal the decision to the ALA Board of Trustee’s, which will handle the request at that level.

Legal Responsibility

As the governing body, the ALA Board of Trustees shall be legally responsible for the selection and approval of all printed and published materials used in the school. As the policy-making body, the Board of Trustee’s delegate’s authority to administration for the selection of textbooks, library resources, and other instructional materials, and the ALA Board may review proposed purchases if desired.


UTAH CODE 53G-10-202

UTAH CODE 53G-10-203

UTAH CODE 53G-10-205
