World War II: Holocaust  

World War II: Holocaust

World War II: Holocaust is an elective social studies course that will investigate the following: 1.) The Second Reich — society and government in Germany, c1900-19: economic expansion; political and social tensions; the impact of the First World War. The Democratic experiment, 1919-29: crises and survival, 1919-24; Stresemann and recovery; the ‘Golden Years’ of the Weimar Republic; Weimar culture.
2.) The Third Reich —The rise of the Nazis: origins to 1928; impact of the slump in town and country, 1928-33; growing support; coming to power. Life in wartime Germany, 1939-45: opposition and conformity; persecution of the Jews and the development of the idea of the ‘Final Solution’; the efficiency of the war economy. Historical controversy: How popular and efficient was the Nazi regime in the years 1933-39? 3.) Aftermath of WW2. Reconstruction of Germany. Rise of communism. The development of two German states. 4.) Reunification.

Course ID: HIS352005
Credits: .5
Course Length: 1 Semester
Grades Offered: 10-12