American Leadership Academy’s
Secondary Discipline Procedure
(**All minor and major infractions will start over for students at the beginning of each quarter)
(***Students with IEP’s or 504 will receive consequences in accordance with their program)
Table of Contents 1
Minor Disciplines
- Minor Damage/Misuse of Property
- Disruption of Class- Anything that prevents others from learning
- R-rated swearing or Racial slurs (written or spoken)
- Inappropriate Public Display of Affection
- Disrespect toward Faculty or Staff
- Computer Use Violation
- Minor Harassment
- Teasing
- Willful Disobedience
- Dress Code after 3 warnings
- Cell phone violation after 3 warnings
Consequences for Minor Infractions
First Offense:
– Parent(s) or Guardian(s) are notified by administration of the infraction.
– The student will be issued a warning and meets with an administrator.
– Life Skill Modules may be assigned.
Second Offense:
– Parent(s) or Guardian(s) is notified by administration of the infraction.
– The student may be assigned after school detention (1 Hour).
– Life Skill Modules may be assigned.
Third Offense:
-Parent(s) or Guardian(s) is notified by administration of the infraction.
-Student may be assigned 2 days of after school detention (1 Hour).
-Student may be put on a tracking sheet.
– Life Skill Modules may be assigned.
Fourth Offense:
– Parent(s) or Guardian(s) are notified by administration of the infraction.
– The student may be suspended from school for a minimum of 2 school days and a maximum of 4 school days. These days will be served as in school suspension days.
-The student and parent(s)/guardian(s) will be required to meet with administration.
– The student may be placed on a behavior contract for the rest of the term.
– Life Skills Modules may be assigned.
– The student is not eligible to participate or attend any school activities while on suspension and until assigned Life Skills Modules are completed.
Fifth Offense:
– Parent(s) or Guardian(s) are notified by administration of the infraction.
– The student may be suspended (out of school) for the rest of the quarter and all course work will need to be completed through ALA’s online programs.
– The student is not eligible to participate or attend any school activities while on suspension.
– Life Skills Modules may be assigned.
– Student is not eligible to participate or attend any school activities while on suspension and until assigned Life Skills Modules are completed.
Major Disciplines:
- Repetitive Harassment (physical, sexual, or verbal threats or behavior)
- Lewd gestures or speech
- Stealing
- Hazing
- Vandalism or Destruction of property
- Voyeurism (taking inappropriate pictures or videos of others in private areas such as bathrooms, locker rooms, changing rooms, etc.)
- Possession of or viewing pornography
- Bullying or Cyber-bullying (Repetitive threats or behavior of intimidation towards others)
- Physical Fighting of any kind
- Extreme Violent behavior in action, word, or representation
Consequences for Major Infractions:
First Offense:
– Parent(s) or Guardian(s) are notified by administration of the infraction.
– The student may be suspended from school for one school week (4 days). These days will be served in school.
– Life Skills Modules may be assigned.
-The student and parent(s)/guardian(s) will be required to meet with administration.
– Student may be placed on a behavior contract for the rest of the quarter.
– Student is not eligible to participate or attend any school activities while on suspension and until assigned Life Skills Modules are completed.
Second Offense:
– Parent(s) or Guardian(s) are notified by administration of the infraction.
– The student may be suspended (out of school) for the rest of the quarter and all course work will need to be completed through ALA’s online programs.
– Life Skills Modules may be assigned.
– The Student is not eligible to participate or attend any school activities while on suspension and until assigned Life Skills Modules are completed.
If a student’s behavior involves law enforcement due to illegal activity, the student may be suspended for the remainder of the year or expelled. This includes:
(a) possessing or using a weapon at school, on school premises, or at a school function to intimidate or threaten another person.
(b) possessing or using illegal drugs, or selling or soliciting the sale of a controlled substance, while at school, on school premises, or at a school function
(c) inflicting serious bodily injury upon another person while at school, on school premises, or at a school function.