American Leadership Academy

Congrats Mrs. Brunson for being awarded the Secondary Support Staff of the Month for March.

Congrats Mrs. Brunson for being awarded the Secondary Support Staff of the Month for March.

Here are some fun facts:
“I have worked in the Jr. High building for 13 year of my 18 years at ALA.
In the beginning we all wore so many different hats and that definitely pushed me out of my comfort zone.
The one thing that was the hardest for me was the Dress Code. I did not understand why in the world a school (unless it was private) would require a student to wear the same clothes.
It did not take me very long to really appreciate why our dress code is so important.
I have been attending the College of Hard Knocks. (I am not sure how many will really get this.) I have been married for 52 years to my very best friend Rich. We have 1 daughter and 3 sons and we have been blessed with 14 grandchildren.
I love most all sports, I love the outdoors and I especially love to work in my yard.
I have a million favorite quotes—(this week it is)– “Have courage and just be kind”
I love the Teachers- they are my hero’s. I can’t tell them enough how important they are in each of our students lives.
I love our Administration- So many hours go into making sure this school runs smoothly.
I love our Counselors- Mrs. Jensen and Mrs. Luna – I know they both feel the weight and responsibility in helping our students get through school and are able to graduate.
I love those who we call support staff—In my opinion we have the very best group of Secretaries, Aids, and whoever else is in that category.
I love those who work in our lunch program. Wow what a responsibility to make sure our students and teachers are feed each day.
I love an appreciate so much John Davis and Brandon Tate.
Huge appreciation to our cleaning staff- Our buildings are always so clean.
I love our kids. Each of our students have so much potential to be the most amazing adults.
I love the fun we can have at the school with the students. Easter Egg Hunts, dressing up for Halloween, different student competitions and other fun activities.
I am so grateful for my job at ALA and hope I will have the opportunity to work here for another 18 years!”