Employee Protection (Whistleblower)

   Policy Number: 2030

Date: May 16th, 2023


Employee Protection (Whistleblower)

(Print Policy)

Policy Procedure

The American Leadership Academy Board of Trustees is strongly committed to upholding ethical standards at the school and will foster and maintain an environment where employees can work safely and appropriately without fear of retaliation.  All employees, and others performing work on behalf of the school, are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner, adhere to applicable laws and Board Policies and Procedures that apply to their work activities in addition to demonstrating ethical behavior in all their decisions and interactions.

This policy will establish general guidelines and standards to encourage employees to come forward for internal resolutions of sensitive issues in a safe and protective environment.


“Wrongful Conduct” shall be defined to include:

1. Theft of school money, property, or resources;

2. Misuse of authority for personal gain or other non-school purpose’

3. Fraud;

4. Violations of applicable federal and state laws and regulations; and/or

5. Serious violations of school policy, regulation, and/or procedure.

“Retaliation” shall be defined to include such actions as:

1. Firing or laying off;

2. Demoting;

3. Denying promotion;

4. Reducing pay or hours.


The Board of Trustees will not tolerate any form of reprisal, retaliation or discrimination against:

1. Any employee that participates or gives information in an investigation, hearing, court proceeding, legislative or other inquiry, or other form of administrative review held by the public body.

2. An employee because the employee has objected to or refused to carry out a directive that the employee reasonably believes violates a law of this state, a political subdivision of this state, or the United States, or a rule or regulation adopted under the authority of the laws of this state, a political subdivision of this state, or the United States.

3. An employee's ability to document:

a. The waste or misuse of public funds, property, or manpower;

b. A violation or suspected violation of any law, rule, or regulation; or

c. Gross mismanagement, abuse of authority, or unethical conduct.


If an employee suspects illegal, unethical, or inappropriate behavior they should:

1. Report the suspected or actual event to his/her supervisor.

2. If the whistleblower is uncomfortable or reluctant to report to his/her supervisor, then they should report the event to the next highest level of management, including if necessary to an appropriate Board member.

3. The employee shall receive no retaliation or retribution for a report that was provided in good faith and not done primarily with malice to damage another or the organization.

4. An employee that makes a report that is not done in good faith is subject to discipline, or other legal means to protect the reputation of the organization and members of its Board and staff.

5. Anyone who retaliates against the Whistleblower, who reported an event in good faith, will be subject to discipline.

6. Crimes against person or property, such as assault, rape, burglary, etc., should immediately be reported to local law enforcement personnel.

The school will exercise efforts to:

1. Investigate any complaints of retaliation or interference made by whistle blowers;

2. Take immediate steps to stop any alleged retaliation; and

3. Discipline any person associated with the school found to have retaliated against or interfered with a whistle blower.


UTAH CODE 67-21-3