3220-School Instruction of Human Sexuality and Sex Education Policy

   Policy Number: 3220

Date: 02/01/2007

Updated:  03/23/2021



(Print PDF Version)



American Leadership Academy supports and understands that parents have the primary role as agents in the transmission of values as well as the education of their children in the area of Human Sexuality.  It is the responsibility of American Leadership Academy, with written permission of parents/guardians, to play a supportive role in teaching Human Sexuality or Sex Education through the health education curriculum.  The Board authorizes the school to conduct instruction on health, family life, character, refusal skills, and the harmful effects of pornography within the framework of guidelines established by the Utah State Board of Education (USBE).  All curriculum must be approved by the ALA Board of Trustees in a Public Board meeting.


A Curriculum Review Committee shall be appointed that is made up of administrators, school health teachers, parents and a board member that will review the curriculum to ensure the use of appropriate, and supportive human sexuality or sex education instruction.

Human Sexuality or Sex Education instruction means any course material, unit, class, lesson, activity, or presentation that, as the focus of the discussion, provides instruction or information to students about sexual abstinence, human reproduction, reproductive anatomy, physiology, pregnancy, marriage, childbirth, parenthood, contraception, HIV/AIDS or other sexually transmitted diseases. While these topics are most likely discussed in such courses as health education, health occupations, human biology, physiology, parenting, adult roles, psychology, sociology, child development, and biology, this rule applies to any course or class in which these topics are the focus of discussion.

Sex education is best described as that part of character education that develops a reverence and respect for birth and life, respect for the human body, respect for parenthood, and a respect for moral standards.  It includes instruction to develop understanding of the physical, mental, emotional, social, economic, and psychological phases of human relations.  It includes more than the anatomical and reproductive information, and it emphasizes the development of positive attitudes, and provides guidance for building healthy relationships.


1.  All health and human sexuality education shall stress the importance of abstinence from all sexual activity before marriage and fidelity after marriage as methods of preventing sexually transmitted diseases.

2.  Instructional materials should be medically accurate and align with the Utah Health Core.

3.  At no time may instruction be provided, including responses to spontaneous questions raised by students, regarding any means or methods that facilitate or encourage the violation of any state or federal criminal law by a minor or an adult.

4.  The following may not be taught:

a.  The intricacies of intercourse, sexual stimulation, or erotic behavior;

b.  The advocacy of premarital or extramarital sexual activity;

c.  The advocacy or encouragement of the use of contraceptive methods or devices; or

d.  The advocacy of sexual activity outside of marriage.

5.  The elementary school shall plan an elective maturation program for each fifth-grade girl and her parents and each fifth-grade boy and his parents.  The main purposes of the program will be to;

a.  Provide age appropriate, accurate information regarding the physical and emotional changes associated with puberty;

b.  Assist in protecting students from abuse;

c.  Promote hygiene and good health practices; and

d.  Encourage discussion in the home about these topics.

e.  Students may opt out of the program with written permission from their parents.


Students may not participate in any human sexuality instruction or instructional program unless, prior to the student’s participation, the school has on file for that student a completed parental notification form relating to that specific instruction or program which indicates that the student’s parent or guardian authorizes the student to participate.

Parental Notification Form means a form developed by the Utah State Board of Education and used exclusively by Utah public schools for parental notification of subject matter identified in this rule. Students may not participate in human sexuality instruction, maturation education, or instructional programs without prior affirmative parent/guardian response on file. The form shall:

1.  Explain a parent’s right to review proposed curriculum materials in a timely manner;

2.  Request the parent’s permission to instruct the parent’s student in identified course materials related to human sexuality or maturation education;

3.  Allow the parent to exempt their student from attendance for class period(s) while identified course materials related to human sexuality or maturation education is presented and discussed;

4.  Be specific enough to give parents fair notice of topics to be covered;

5.  Include a brief explanation of the topics and materials to be presented and provide a time, place, and contact person for review of the identified curricular materials;

6.  Be on file with affirmative parent/guardian response for each student prior to the student’s participation in the instruction.


In their first year of service or assignment, all newly hired or newly assigned ALA employees who have responsibility for any aspect of human sexuality instruction in the school must participate in a state-sponsored professional development course outlining the human sexuality curriculum and the criteria for human sexuality instruction in any courses offered in the public education system.

All ALA staff who have any responsibility for any aspect of human sexuality instruction in the school will attend training outlining the human sexuality curriculum and the criteria for human sexuality instruction in any courses offered in the public education system at least once every three (3) years.


Human Sexuality Education Parent Notification Form:  https://schools.utah.gov/curr/health?mid=908&tid=5

Utah Code Ann. 53G-10-402, Instruction in Health-Parental Consent Requirements


Utah Code 53G-10-205, Waivers of participation


Utah Code Ann 53G-10-403, Required Parental Consent for Sex Education Instruction


Utah Code Ann. 53E-9-202, Utah Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act


Utah Admin. Code R277-474, School Instruction and Human Sexuality
