
American Leadership Academy

Title III Language Acquisition


Alternative Language Services Overview

Based on responses from the Home Language Survey, students are identified for screening. Teachers can also recommend students to be screened. Within the first 30 days of school, or within the first 10 days of enrollment, these students take the WIDA Screening assessment.  Students who score 5 or above do not qualify for services.

 Elementary Students

Elementary students who qualify for services meet with an instructional assistant for 30 minute daily.  During this time, students receive instruction to increase language proficiency in the domains of speaking, listening, reading, and writing.

Secondary Students

Secondary students who qualify for services receive instruction from a certified teacher who is endorsed in English as a Second Language.  These students meet twice weekly for approximately 80 minutes each session.

Sarah Sorensen

ALS Director

801-794-2226 ext. 130


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