Title I Program Overview
General Description
American Leadership Academy is a targeted assistance school and must use all Federal funds for students identified as being at-risk (academically below grade level expectations). The main areas of concern are reading and math. ALA attempts to service all students reading below grade level. Because of budget constraints or personnel shortages, there may be times when some below norm students will not be serviced.
For reading services, ALA uses Acadience Reading assessment scores to determine which students would benefit most from reading tutoring services. Highly- qualified instructional assistants administer the assessment to maintain consistency and validity. Teachers’ input and data from the Acadience Reading assessment is used to identify the lowest performing students who are then entered into Title I tutoring services. If the teachers have evidence of incorrect placement, the data is reviewed and appropriate measures taken.
Certified Instructional Assistants (I.A.) who are trained in multiple tutoring styles and programs, work with students daily for approximately 30 minutes. The primary program being used is S.P.I.R.E. Other programs may be used with students depending on individual needs.
Title I administers the Acadience Math Assessment to each elementary student to determine math competency and need for Title I services. The data generated from this assessment, as well as teacher input, guide the placement of students into Title 1 math tutoring. If the teachers have evidence of incorrect placement, the data is reviewed and appropriate measures taken.
Highly-qualified instructional assistants then help students work through missing foundational skills. Currently, ALA will have one I.A. in 1st and 2nd grade math classes to service students needing math help.
For questions or concerns, please contact:
Sarah Sorensen
Title 1 Director and Reading Specialist
801-794-2226 ext. 130
[maxbutton id=”1″ url=”https://utahschoolgrades.schools.utah.gov/School/OverAllPerformance?SchoolID=165615&DistrictID=165615&SchoolNbr=100&SchoolLevel=HS&IsSplitSchool=1&schoolyearendyear=2022″ text=”Academic School Report Card” ]
[maxbutton id=”1″ url=”https://americanleadershipacademy.org/parent-involvement-policy-for-title-i/” text=” Parent Involvement Policy For Title I” ]
[maxbutton id=”1″ url=”https://americanleadershipacademy.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/ALA-Parent-school-compact-English-Spanish.pdf” text=”Parent- School Learning Compact” ]
[maxbutton id=”11″ url=”https://americanleadershipacademy.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Teacher-Qualifications-Parent-Letter-Final.pdf” text=”Teacher & Paraprofessional Qualifications Notice” ]